A fan project to bring Twig to a wider audience

Day: October 28, 2016

Taking Root 1.x

And with that, Arc 1 is complete!

You’ll notice that this episode features a special guest: Loren Sherman, to give you a respite from hearing my voice, will be reading many of the Enemy chapters of this audiobook. Fear not, dear listeners, my dulcet tones shall return for Arc 2.

Our lovely new cover art is also Loren’s work! He’s a real Renaissance man, isn’t he? We hope you will appreciate the name of the serial appearing in the podcast icon; how else could you possibly tell what you’re listening to?

Stay tuned for the further adventures of the Lambs in Arc 2, Cat out of the Bag, hopefully coming soon. Happy listening!

Music for this arc is “Ossuary 1 – A Beginning” by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com). Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License. Learn more at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/.

Please support the original author on PayPal or Patreon.

Taking Root 1.12

Stay tuned for a *gasp* NEW READER in the next chapter!

Music for this arc is “Ossuary 1 – A Beginning” by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com). Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License. Learn more at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/.

Please support the original author on PayPal or Patreon.

Taking Root 1.11

After a hiatus of a few months, I’m back at it again! Many thanks to Miko and Rein for their surprise comments on chapter 1.1 – it was you two who gave me the sense of urgency to continue this project. You should have seen my face when WordPress notified me there was a comment on one of my posts! I had no idea anyone had even found this. Then again, I suppose it’s my own fault for underestimating the engagement and dedication of the wildbow fandom.

The rest of Taking Root will be up within the next few days, if not the next few hours. I aim to complete Arc 2, Cat out of the Bag, by the end of 2016 now that I know I’m not reading into the void. Unfortunately, the release schedule will have to remain irregular due to my many prior commitments as a college student at MIT. I recommend subscribing as your best bet to be notified of new chapters being posted. Encouragement via the comments section is totally the way to go if you want me to post more often. (Don’t worry, I’ll let you know if you’re getting out of hand.)

Thanks for enjoying my little project, and happy listening!

P.S. One more thing – if you like this story, donate to wildbow or support him on Patreon. He really appreciates it!

Music for this arc is “Ossuary 1 – A Beginning” by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com). Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License. Learn more at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/.

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